dotnet ai

Get Started with .NET and AI using dotnet/ai-samples QuickStarts

Introduction [Pt 1] | Generative AI with .NET for Beginners

Generative AI for the .NET Developer | .NET Conf 2023

.NET AI Community Standup - Phi-3 & C#: Bringing AI to your .NET Apps

.NET AI Community Standup - AI in Action in Real-World .NET Applications

.NET AI Community Standup: Get Started with AI in .NET

Generative AI into ANY .NET App with SemanticKernel

.NET AI Community Standup: Introducing the official OpenAI library for .NET Developers

Dont Worry with AI #education #learndotnet #javacoding #coding #javalanguage #dotnet #programming

Introduction to AutoML [Pt 10] | Generative AI with .NET for Beginners

.NET AI Community Standup: New AI Quickstart tutorials for .NET 8

AI for .NET with Semantic Kernel | .NET Conf 2023

Make Pictures using AI in dotNet (C#)

.NET AI Community Standup: What’s New in .NET AI-Samples

On .NET Live - Building a game with .NET and Azure Open AI

Adding context to your prompts [Pt 5] | Generative AI with .NET for Beginners

Infusing your .NET Apps with AI: Practical Tools and Techniques | BRK187

Build an Azure OpenAI powered .NET 8 Chat Bot on your data from scratch | .NET Conf 2023

Hack Together .NET - Build Generative AI apps with Open AI

.NET 💖 AI | .NET Conf 2023

Build Your First AI Chat Bot with OpenAI and .NET in Minutes

Building generative AI powered bots with Teams Toolkit and AI library for .NET | .NET Conf 2023

.NET AI Community Standup: Powering .NET Apps with Open-Source LLMs and Semantic Kernel

What is AI and ML? [Pt 2] | Generative AI with .NET for Beginners